Why New York State Loves Evolution

I may be just a kid, but I am smart enough to realize that New York State loves using the concept of evolution to test their students. They may not say “evolution” outright but in my mind “change over time” = evolution. Even the teachers know that on the ELA tests, there is bound to be at least one “change over time” question. On some of our practice tests, the whole essay is targeted to the character”s “change throughout the story.” I assume that even if NYS doesn”t realize they”re using evolution-related concepts in their major tests, they know they are using an awesome idea! Technically, they are testing students, teachers, schools and entire districts on how to comprehend evolution. They might as well have given students David Sloan Wilson”s “Evolution for Everyone” and asked for the change over time from the book. NYS, even not fully understanding evolution, knows that it is a simple way to test students. Some of the questions on the test actually said “a change over time.” This is sort of a good thing, though, because the teachers whose jobs are on the line know what to work on and what to expect. I wonder if the state read “Evolution for Everyone,” if they would then see that their test is aimed towards evolution. They really should attend an evolutionary conference. I don”t exactly know who the state is, but whoever writes the questions loves evolution – perhaps without really knowing state will have read David Sloan Wilson”s outstanding book and will fully understand their own questions!

Megan Geher

About Megan Geher

Megan Geher is the daughter of Glenn Geher(past president of NEEPS) and Kathleen Geher. I have only done 1 real poster (mostly due to the fact I am 11.5). The poster was titled "An Analysis of Flight Distance Across Species," which I did for extra credit in 5th grade. I have been to NEEPS and HBES - at both I actually listened to some talks. I have a little brother named Andrew and have a sweet-as-can-be dog named Cujo. I am in 7th grade. Some of my achievements are high honor roll 4 times at the New Paltz Middle School and speaking on 88.7FM about budget cuts. I earned my green belt in Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwan Do. My blog explains examples of changes over time a.k.a. evolution. I hope you enjoy my blog that is all about evolution from a middle-schooler's perspective.
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