Concordia University

Primary Contact Person
Dr. Gad Saad

Contact e-mail Address

Contact’s departmental and position-based information
Professor of Marketing
Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption

Self-imposed mandates of chaired professorship:
1) to found an EvoS program at Concordia
2) to found the Biology of Business Center at the John Molson School of Business
3) to found a Montreal Darwinian Center that joins students and faculty members across the four Montreal universities (Concordia, McGill, University of Montreal, University of Quebec at Montreal) under one common umbrella.


Member Level of Participation
Level 1: Joined the consortium as an incipient program

Why the contact person is interested in having the institution join the EvoS Consortium.
It was been my goal to set up an EvoS program at Concordia University since around 2008. I have tried to do so on several occasions but it has been a challenge given the expected institutional barriers.

Academic departments that have courses included in the EvoS program.
None (officially) but all of the courses that I teach are infused with evolutionary thinking.

Faculty with clear connections to evolutionary scholarship and/or teaching.
Information is unavailable at this time.

Courses in evolution offered.  
Unsure at this time.

Is there an EvoS Seminar/Lecture Series?
No, but  world-renowned evolutionary psychologists such as Drs. Peter M. Todd and Robert Kurzban have been invited as guest lecturers.

Research labs engaged in this program.
Our lab consists of one post-doc, five PhD students (including two forthcoming ones and a visiting one), and three M.Sc. students (including two forthcoming ones who will be enrolling in Fall 2014, but many have already attended a lab meeting).

Student organizations involved in EvoS.

Is this school part of the national exchange?



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